Personal details

Head of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC

Albert Rösti was elected to the Federal Council on 7 December 2022. He holds a doctorate in technical sciences and a Master's degree in agricultural engineering, and also earned an MBA through study in Bern and Rochester, New York. Prior to his election to the Federal Council, he owned a company active in public affairs and project management. Director of Swiss Milk Producers from 2007–2013, Dr Rösti had previously held various positions in the Bern cantonal government, including a period as secretary general of the Department of Economic Affairs from 2003–2006. Over the years he has also held a number of association and club roles.

In 2011 Dr Rösti was elected to the Swiss Parliament, where he was a member of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy Committee for 11 years and presided over the National Council's Social Security and Health Committee in 2022. He was president of the Swiss People's Party (SVP) from 2016–2019.

Dr Rösti is married with two adult children. He was born on 7 August 1967 in Frutigen, where he is also a citizen.


Federal Councillor Albert Rösti

Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

Federal Palace North
3003 Bern

Further contacts

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