Principles of transport policy

Modern, efficient transport infrastructure is a fundamental prerequisite for a high quality of life and the prosperity of Switzerland as a business location.

The following transport authorities are responsible for the implementation and supervision of rail and road transport, transalpine transit traffic and aviation:

Switzerland's transport policy must keep the transport network functioning well and to a high technical standard. It must take account of the safety and transport needs of future generations well in advance. The transport authorities have set the following objectives:

  • Coordination of rail, road and air transport between the Confederation, cantons and urban centres.
  • Development of 'intelligent' transport infrastructure and efficient transport management or ‘smart roads'.
  • Long-term and sustainable investment to maintain the performance of the transport system. Follow-up costs to be taken into account.
  • Simple and transparent funding instruments which are designed not only to provide financial resources but also to encourage transport use in line with market needs.


  • eliminate bottlenecks and keep the transport system running smoothly.
  • take account early on of population growth, limited land reserves and transport requirements of future generations.
  • make best possible use of limited financial resources by strictly prioritising planned projects.
  • put in place a stable financing system and step-by-step planning to replace ageing transport infrastructure.

Mobility in brief

«Microcensus Mobility and transport» 2021, Federal Statistical Office and Federal Office for Spatial Development


General Secretariat
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC

Federal Palace North
CH-3003 Bern

+41 58 462 55 11

Further contacts

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