Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE

Benoît Revaz, Director, Federal Office of Energy FOE

Switzerland intends to completely revise its energy policy. With the adoption of its Energy Strategy 2050, the Federal Council has decided not to replace existing nuclear power plants after they reach the end of their lifecycle. The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (FOE) is responsible for practical implementation of this strategy. Emphasis will be placed on increased energy savings (through energy efficiency) and the greater use of renewable energy sources. In addition, the FOE issues regulations on energy consumption of household appliances, consumer electronics, light bulbs and electric motors. At the same time, it establishes suitable conditions for the development of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, solar power or wind power.

The FOE is also responsible for development of the power grid, international cooperation in the energy sector as well as energy research. The aim is to ensure that Switzerland will continue to have an adequate supply of safe, affordable and environmentally friendly energy.