Principles of energy policy

There are currently many changes occuring with regards to Switzerland's energy supply. In order to deal with the challenges facing the country now and going forward, we need to create conditions that allow us to, increase domestic electricity production rapidly. electrify/decarbonise energy supply to a large extent and continuously improve the efficient use of energy. Changes on the energy markets also have a strong impact on any progress made in Switzerland. These are the result of economic, political and technololgical developments both in Switzerland and abroad.

The key basis of Swiss energy policy is the article on energy enshrined in the Federal Constitution since 1990. The Energy Act, the CO2 Act, the Climate and Innovation Act and the Electricity Supply Act all build on this article and together form the body of legislation on which Switzerland's sustainable and modern energy policy is based.

2050 Energy Strategy

In 2017, the Swiss public voted in favour of the revised Energy Act. This was the first step in implementing the 2050 Energy Strategy, which contains the following objectives:

  • promote renewable energy in Switzerland;
  • reduce dependency on fossil energy from abroad;
  • reduce energy consumption;
  • increase energy efficiency.

Existing nuclear power plants can remain in operation as long as they are safe. There is a ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants.

Energy Perspectives 2050+

At the end of 2020, DETEC published its Energy Perspectives 2050+. This document further develops the 2050 Energy Strategy by identifying technological paths in a series of scenarios, which set out the objectives of both energy policy (a secure and largely renewable energy supply by 2050) and climate policy (net zero emissions by 2050).

Current energy legislation

Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources

The Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources was approved by the Federal Council in June 2021. The draft law is based on the conclusions of Energy Perspectives 2050+ and results from a revision of the Energy Act and Electricity Supply Act. The key aim is to strengthen Switzerland's security of supply, particularly in the winter months, by expanding domestic renewable electricity production and setting binding expansion targets and energy consumption reduction targets. The bill was passed by Parliament in September 2023. The new legislation is due to come into effect in 2025.

Climate and Innovation Act

In June 2023, the Swiss public voted in favour of theFederal Act on Climate Protection Goals, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security (Climate and Innovation Act). This legislation creates a framework for Swiss climate policy and sets interim targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Incentives have been created to encourage the replacement of fossil-fuel heating systems with climate-friendly ones, and the replacement of electric heating systems that still consume a lot of power in winter. All these measures contribute to Switzerland's security of supply. Furthermore, the Climate and Innovation Act supports businesses that invest in innovative climate-friendly technologies within a given timeframe.

Savings and alternatives: useful information about energy use

The SwissEnergy website contains information on renewable energies and increasing energy efficiency in households, buildings, transport and businesses. Here you can calculate the costs of different types of energy sources and get tips on simple ways to save energy.


Media releases

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General Secretariat
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC

Federal Palace North
CH-3003 Bern

+41 58 462 55 11

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